When your in the land where people look at customer reviews for almost everything..hotels..travel...electronics...housing...and just about anything, you get driven to start writing reviews too !!!
So here's my first attempt at writing reviews on the restaurants that I have been to. Last night I had dinner at PF Changs, a chinese bistro in Autin, TX. It was not my first time there, and like everyother time I was looking forward to some good chinese food and you bet they did not disappoint.

Chinese food is real popular in India and being a big fan of it, I was in for a lot of disappointment whenever I tried the local chinese restaurants here in the US. I was almost giving up hope on savouring good Chinese fare which satisfies the Indian palate. Chinese food in the US tastes wayyyy different from what you get in India, and you would be lucky if you could find a place that served chinese food to suit the Indian taste. I guess I was lucky :)
If your among the desi population who loves chinese food, dont miss visiting PF Changs. The menu is great and the food tastes even better. The food in its unique way suits the Indian taste. Try their kung pao chicken, dan dan noodles or their dali chicken and you would be left wanting for more. I was never a big fan of noodles, but it was here that I developed a love for this and I dont regret it at all.
But before you visit this place, you might want to make a reservation, coz like all other popular restaurants, the wait time can sometimes be more than 15 mins, especially on the weekend. So a simple call will make sure you can get a seat easily. And thats not it, during peak hours service might be a little slow. But I assure you, once served, you would forget all about the longgg wait times !!
So all you folks who love some good chinese food, dont miss PF Chang's. My mouth's already watering ;)